I slipped into the silence there for a little while, sorry about that. Not that things haven't been happening in the garden. Much has been planted and I perch impatiently on my hands and knees willing growth, all the while knowing the futility of such thoughts. There is a correctness in this fallow period when mysteries are happening below the earth, a certain rightness to the dormancy that teaches patience and fortitude. So writes a gardener who routinely pulls vegetables from the ground to check whether they are growing!
If this garden can teach me anything, I hope it might be a certain equanimity to let things be and grow in their own sweet time.
Happy gardening! x
I like winter in the garden, too.
It means it's time for a rest.
(must admit I do pull out cuttings to see if roots have grown)
Posted by: freefalling | 07/22/2009 at 10:31 PM