Step 1:
(around 11ishpm)
Freak-out and give myself a stern reprimand for forgetting the dress-up carnivale at school the following day.
Step 2:
Pour myself a glass of cheap and old red wine because there is no tequila to be had in the house.
Step 3:
Investigate the contents of my sewing room for likely contenders for the The Last Minute Sew-Off.
Step 4:
Decide to go and do a bit of aimless blog-reading as am still in a state of denial and besides I'm sure that there is a piece of old cooking chocolate in the back of the fridge that I can snack on to get myself in the right frame of mind for sewing.
Step 5:
Smallest person in the house decides that sleep is no longer a viable option.
Step 6:
Child is offered both bottles and bosoms to no avail.
Step 7:
Plonk child in the midst of a pile of ribbons in the sewing room and continue fabric investigation.
Step 8:
Eureka! Discover a piece of tangerine satin dress-lining and some ribbon from the now hopelessly entangled pile.
Step 9:
Sew a straight line (my forte), close to the selvedge and then gather it in.
Step 10:
Bung a ribbon over the gathers and sew again.
Step 11:
Sew up the back of the skirt half way.
Step 12:
Hack the bottom of the fabric off to a five year old's height.
Step 13:
Pass out quietly beside the small person and the entire contents of my haberdashery drawer.
Step 14: