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this is so cute amd I love how you work with color


That is very cool. I love the colours too and the family portrait is wonderful. (My hair actually looks like that sometimes)


Oooh.. this is very good!


oh hi love LOVE this wreath... what a grand idea!

Kathy C.

How very beautiful!!! You have a great eye for color & pattern.

And what a wonderful way to personalize your holiday decor. :-)

Jessica Rae

Wow, this is the cutest and coolest thing ever! You could have ones like this for every holiday or just keep it up all the time. Or maybe make accessories (santa hats) for the dolls! They could be like a broach! Wow - this is just amazing though, the way it is. I love the poofy hair!


the "family" looks so cute:)


Hey there Nan, I'm guessing the one on the right is you! Chloe would know as she has now met you...ahh Ha! I knew you 2 would meet some time. Hooray! Take care, and enjoy your christmas.

lindsey clare m.

ahhh! i love it! actually i love your style in general. it makes me happy and inspired :)

also love the use of indigenous print fabric. very cool!

i keep meaning to make a wreath. if you don't mind me asking, did you just tie fabric onto wire?


Hmph. Just why are you so good? I need just an ounce of you to up the ante.. Or more to the point, maybe I could become your measly little apprentice. I LOVE the wreath. You're creativity personified.

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