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In my experience there is only one way to survive: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

The Shopping Sherpa

You might like to know the ACT Public Library has some excellent books on poo including classics like "Whose poo?"

Stephie @ Narrative Self

My son's 11 and he still thinks the word 'poo' is hilarious. Along with 'fart', apparently. I'm trying to enjoy it while I can, no doubt hormones will kick in some day soon and the delicious innocence will be lost!


My 2-year-old is only one of several members of my family with a fascination with poo. The others have far less excuse, although they do make me laugh at times...


The most hilarious punch line to any joke around here at the moment for the 5 year old is "and then I did a poo on his/her head!" (Cue rolling about on floor). Funniest thing ever, apparently.

And I am relieved that toilet beat poo. As it should be.


the eternal entertainment of poo! My friend showed me a book she borrowed from the local library in Sydney for her kids and it was about poo - which animals do what kind of poo - it was beautifully (and amusingly) illustrated but I'm afraid I don't recall the title.

We are visiting the inlaws in Canberra in a few weeks and decided this time to make a nice weekend of it so with much thanks to you, Lark Hill is now on our itinerary!


Ahh, neverending discussions of poo...
Never having grown up with brothers,
I blame my partner for it all!


My two-year-old is still surprised by poo, even though it's been her lifelong companion. Trying to toilet train her involves a running commentary: 'My poo is coming out, Mummy! It's coming out NOW! NOW! NOW!' Pause. 'My poo came out, Mummy.' Thanks, I know.

Love your blog. x

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