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Ahh yes bit seam ripper 'love' here too this week, and lots of choice words ;-) Thanks for sharing your space xox


I seem to have been skating just above the seam ripper line for a few weeks now...just a matter of time I'm sure. We've got a long standing relationship.


Gah, I have just unpicked a sleeve I sewed on a dress inside out. Maybe space cadet crafting is contagious?

Love the dolly and peeking into your creative space.

Hayley Lees

cute dolls ...


My seam ripper and I are best buddies. But I'd really rather not see her as often as I do.


Oh it is so nice to know that others have a similarly intimate relationship with their seam ripper. Sometimes it makes me a little prone to giving it all up.

On the plus side: I am getting more efficient at seam ripping...


Seam rippers are a bitter sweet invention aren't they! Your space is so bright and cheerful. And your flamenco softie is really nice.


Oh so much is happening in your space. It all looks bright and so great.


I have a seam ripper on every floor (of my 2 storey house with basement=3). I love the hot pink stripe with the mustard apron. I have that apron. Yours is in better shape than mine as mine has been in use for thirty plus years. It was my Mum's before it was mine. She also had one with HP sauce. I loved the What Katy Did books as a kid.

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