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Kylie Hunt

Ooo this looks like lots of fun! Makes me want to RUMMAGE! Thanks for sharing - that red dress hanging up is so gorgeous, did you make that? K


It just looks absolutely perfect over at your place.

Looking forward to seeing the new bits & pieces.


wow all the colours and fabrics, it's just like what I think heaven looks like!!

Leonie @ Raglan Guld

Your space looks amazing. The picture on the wall looks like the titters have lights coming off them with a small kid looking up gazing away!!! Hilarious!! You've made my day!!! I love photos which end up......well not what you expect!!! Arrrh so much fun!! thanks for the laugh x


Ooh. Nice and inspiring, even if it's messy! I love the colour and the vibrancy of it all!


My eyes are popping out of my head at all the frabric goodness, what a lot of amazing things you have, I have fabric envy!!


Mess or no mess, this is still a very beautiful creative space. Love the framed Mon Uncle poster. Looks fantastic with the fairy lights draped around it. Lee :)


oh wow, love all the fabric and the embroidered no regrets message is fab.


I just want to pounce on that table and start fossicing through it like I was at an op-shop! It looks so inviting....



ooooh wee? can i come and play?

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