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Oh it's lovely Nan. Good on you for being authentic.

Kylie Hunt

Wow!! Your page opened on my screen and my eyes instantly zeroed in on the fabrics at the base of that gorgeous pile... There was a mantra in my head: have to have it (said several times!) Thanks for the link! Love the dress too :) K


what a beautiful dress. So much creativity going on in your space! :-)


If that is a sample of what you are producing I would make A LOT for that market - you'll sell them all I'm sure!


The dress looks great. I love the fabric. And how do you get sunlight streaming in when all I had today was grey skies and rain?


The dress is so sweet!

I didn't realised that Kimoyes had appointment only visits - I will have to check it out!


such a color filled inspiration in this space!

june at noon (gretchen)

I know being original takes more time, but there's honor in that too. Good for you, and good luck!

Amelie and Atticus

Beautiful dress, it is amazing!! I couldn't keep my eyes off it!


Good luck with the markets. With dresses like that you should do amazingly well.

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