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I think that sounds like a plan - a good plan!
I am so tempted to read the Twilight books, but as a committed Buffy fan, I am worried that they won't live up to the high standard of story telling I am used to (guffaw!) I have heard that they tell a good story, but it is poorly written, do you agree? Should I just suck it up and plunge in and reminisce about being 14 again, instead of 41?


All fantastic resolutions. So much looking forward to watching this space :-)

I too read the sea and it hurt my head!

Cath from chunkychooky

I have completely missed the whole vampire thing. have I been under a rock? I think its on late... like after 830pm....
i like the decision to not do markets. although I didn't think you sucked at it at all- in fact i found you very entertaining and lovely.
Always good to make a decsionrather than to keep doind something that stresses you out.
I cannot get into an unmade either.

Ellie - Petalplum

I would love to see more of your little online mags. I'd love to hold pictures of your beautiful styling in my hands!
Your new years resolutions are great. I've been trying the bed thing too, and so far have only missed one day (today), not too bad hey. A whole week of making the bed as soon as I get out of it, before my morning coffee and all....


Will you make an exception for the pre school fete? I hope you'll sit on the craft stall with me - I have no problem with the alcohol part nor the icecream part. Looking forward to the next magazine.


You already know I've had the last market hurrah...same as you - i suck.

But...I look forward to 2010 & following along. xxx


Nan you could draw a head-less, body-less stick man on a musty old used paper bag and I'd still think it was fabulous.

Can' believe no more markets, but them's the breaks. How else will people such as moi buy in to a piece of the Rummage action. Every time I see my Peggies or my beautiful hair pieces, I think of you. You are depriving people lately.

Not so sure about Twilight, but whatever blows your skirt up.


Great news! I loved your online mag :-)


Hon, you do whatever floats your boat and we'll all love it. OK?


I don't think that they even sound like resolutions - more plans for more smiles. I am a little sad that I never got to lay my hands on those gorgeous peggies but I know those markets are hard and unforgiving things that should require alcohol before you walk in.
I can't wait for some more divine mags though, perhaps we could get a vampire valintines day addition. I am sure your original ideas would be much more beautiful

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