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Could he come and throw my vacuum and washing machine out a window? I guarantee - after the hefty lifting of the washing machine - it will feel fantastique.


I love the way you depict his accent. I can almost hear the conversation. !!

Penny (Pocket Carnival)

Ooh la la! How could you get mad at someone with an accent like that (I am imagining!)


I loove your funny story - specifically the conversation about "zat pice of sheet"! - Thanks for sharing!


For the record, I love ironing ;) But my real reason for commenting is that I am insanely jealous of your lovely green, aqua items on your header.

Too beautiful.

Have a great weekend!


Lola Nova

A most enjoyable story indeed! It reminds me of the time The Engineer threw a dodgy chair out in the yard and then commenced to attack it with an axe. We now have a new (to us) and most lovely chair. Voila!


I think I would faint if my husband picked up the iron to do anything with it. But I would be very please if he threw it out the window. I also never iron except for when crafting and maybe the occasional wedding.

As always, love how to tell a story and love the frenchmans accent. :)


That was a cracker of a post. A great way to start my weekend. Enjoy yours


I only iron for craft & only if the wrinkles are too obvious to get away with casually scrumpled just as our collective wardrobe is...

& you know if you challenge me I will rise...

& google is my friend...



Is it a French thing? My French teachers were always threatening to throw me out the window - usually for my poor grammar.

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