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My spare tyre seems to be growing.

Love those buttons x


I know the button lady - she also makes beautiful quilts! Nice haul you have there.

I really need to get back to the trash and treas one of these days - I used to live only 5 minute's walk away.


I love your trash and treasure posts although they always make me a bit toey and slightly agitated that I am missing out. I remember frosty cold Sunday mornings and the doughnut van!! Thanks


oh my!!! i LOVE your trash.... those buttons are so lovely, i could eat them :)


Oh lovely buttons! Buttons are always super treasure to find.
I want to know more about this trash and treasure market. I am heading down to Canberra in July and would love to spend some time searching for goodies. I have been reading your Canberra guide but I don't think you mentioned any details?


Is that Jammo Markets? They were probably my favourite place when I resided in the Can.


ohhhh nice buttons! I grew up in canberra and I have to laugh because I've been in sydney too long - when I came down to do a market there was definitely less of a dresscode compared to my sydney markets! but it was so much colder that if I had to live there again I'd probably dress up in fleece too:)

love the pink floral ones!



I'm a sucker for Penguin Classics. Good find.

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