I give up on writing titles of blog posts. It's all too hard when I'm struggling to get my legs in the correct hole of my underpants to worry about issues as small as these. So it's going to be 'gfdkjhgf' or something to that effect from now on.
Now here's the news, the French purchased the boardgame 'Mastermind' (deluxe version), from the Trash and Tresh on the weekend. I don't mind telling you there were some seriously heated gaming moments on Sunday. The four year old and I were an evenly matched battle of intellectual giants resorting to playing tiddly winks with the game pieces. Still lots of Enid Blyton reading going on here, she's just about to launch into the Mallory Towers series with the lacrosse games and the midnight feasts - am trying not to display too much of my anti-Blyton bias after watching the disturbing biopic. She's also preparing her first piece of public speaking and has chosen the adorable topic 'Why Animals say Different Things in Different Languages' - this has been a source of angst in this household from the getgo. I say a rooster says 'cockadoodledoo', the French says, 'NO, eet eeeis coquecoricoo'. She may need several years of therapy in later years to move through that one. Much love! xxx
PS Ingrid, will try next week to take some photos of the Trash and Tresh and pop it in on the blog for you. xx
Ooh, can you take a pic of the deluke mastermind too? we always had (and still have) the regular version, I am intrigued!
Posted by: Jessica | June 06, 2011 at 07:39 PM
I loved Enid Blyton books! Have not seen disturbing biopic?
Posted by: Dolores @ A Labour of Love | June 06, 2011 at 08:35 PM
Mastermind is my all-time favourite game! It's an acquired taste I think. I love that it can be such a mix between logic and intuition - I'm usually not so good on the logic front!
Posted by: Vic | June 06, 2011 at 08:49 PM
That's so funny! Love the public speaking topic. We have a stray cat who's adopted us and sometimes we talk to her in 'cat'... then we argue about which of us meows the correct 'cat' language... hmm, small things :) Love these photos. Kx
Posted by: Kylie | June 06, 2011 at 09:09 PM
Must research the biopic, am intrigued. Though reflecting back a title like "The Naughtiest Girl Is A Monitor" is all sorts of disturbing. My boys love EB, especially the Magic Faraway Tree series, as I did as a child.
Love your blog!
Posted by: tina.b | June 07, 2011 at 04:09 AM
The rooster says 'kikeriki' in German. This topic has filled many of our conversation both with kids and adults since becoming German speakers. We are still in EB's "Family Collection" and I am sure we will be paying for therapy for our kids as they actually think they are the caravan family...with aeroplanes thrown in. Not a bad thing.
Posted by: Natasha | June 07, 2011 at 06:51 AM
I LOVED a) mastermind and b) Mallory towers when I was a kid. Wow the hours spent on both of them! Bliss.
Posted by: flaming nora | June 07, 2011 at 07:37 AM
I miss you!
I love the top pic...looks like Monday at my place. x
Posted by: Kirsty | June 07, 2011 at 08:55 AM
Oh the midnight feasts! The best part of any school story.
Posted by: eugenie | June 07, 2011 at 04:48 PM
Ohhh pictures would be lovely!
My daughter was absored in Enid Blyton for awhile. She seems to have moved on to Ottoline and Lemony Snicket lately - much to my relief - I was getting a bit sick of old Enid.
Posted by: ingrid | June 07, 2011 at 09:24 PM