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Ooh, can you take a pic of the deluke mastermind too? we always had (and still have) the regular version, I am intrigued!

Dolores @ A Labour of Love

I loved Enid Blyton books! Have not seen disturbing biopic?



Mastermind is my all-time favourite game! It's an acquired taste I think. I love that it can be such a mix between logic and intuition - I'm usually not so good on the logic front!


That's so funny! Love the public speaking topic. We have a stray cat who's adopted us and sometimes we talk to her in 'cat'... then we argue about which of us meows the correct 'cat' language... hmm, small things :) Love these photos. Kx


Must research the biopic, am intrigued. Though reflecting back a title like "The Naughtiest Girl Is A Monitor" is all sorts of disturbing. My boys love EB, especially the Magic Faraway Tree series, as I did as a child.

Love your blog!


The rooster says 'kikeriki' in German. This topic has filled many of our conversation both with kids and adults since becoming German speakers. We are still in EB's "Family Collection" and I am sure we will be paying for therapy for our kids as they actually think they are the caravan family...with aeroplanes thrown in. Not a bad thing.

flaming nora

I LOVED a) mastermind and b) Mallory towers when I was a kid. Wow the hours spent on both of them! Bliss.


I miss you!

I love the top pic...looks like Monday at my place. x


Oh the midnight feasts! The best part of any school story.


Ohhh pictures would be lovely!

My daughter was absored in Enid Blyton for awhile. She seems to have moved on to Ottoline and Lemony Snicket lately - much to my relief - I was getting a bit sick of old Enid.

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