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Mucho excited about the running & my mind's pic of you & Kip tangled together by the golf club. x

Judy Edmonds

I cry buckets when I think *think* of Storm Boy!


Tin tin, that takes my back to my childhood - my brother was obsessed, also with Asterix and Obelix, I was more of a Moomin girl!

Jodie Wilson

Storm Boy was my favourite too...i even found another copy so I have one now...just looking at the photos make me sad! Have tried to get my daughter to read it...but she is not interested at this stage...fingers crossed! Have a great week!

Pip Evans

three of my very favourite albums....we now own 2 copies of Odyssey Number 5, just in case it is left in the car....
now inspired to listen...love to all xxxx


I just found your blog tonight and am staying up too late reading posts. I am HOWLING at the image of your dog "backside poised wistfully..." I haven't laughed this hard in AGES!!!

Love your style, lady.

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