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So sorry to hear about your daughter's chin and that wait.
At our local(by luck RPA of tv fame) they have a separate system and space for kids' emergency and have always dealt with us quickly which is such a godsend. Its also away from adult emergency patients who can sometimes be a bit messy.


The system is indeed rooted and I feel for the people at the frontline. How they do what they do, I have no idea. Hope the chin heals a-OK.

leah of sang the bird

Oh, I hope she is ok. It is so stressful being inemergency waiting rooms, especially with children. Understaffing hospitals is disgraceful. Hope you had a glass of something strong when you finally got home xxx


It's part of the rite of passage for parents too. The endless waitng and fear for your child. Don't worry - nothing will happen any faster than before you went. Sorry but I think the days of improvement in the system have passed by. Also sorry for your little one. At her age it must be very scary. Hope she heels fast. Cherrie


Don't get me started on the health system. I shell out a shed load for Alfie on an ongoing basis, yes we can afford it but I constantly wonder about those who can't and what that means for their smalls?

Glad to hear the 5 year old is on the mend x


So sorry to hear about the split chin and the wait. One good benefit of small town living is being seen and fixed very fast at our little hospital.


Yep - it's crap.

Sorry about the small & the long wait too. Hope she's aOK today.

Lots of love.



ah yes last weekend we spent saturday night at the childrens hospital, our little one fell and pushed his teeth up into his gums x we were lucky as we needed a dentist not doctor but 3 hours is still a drag ...


Oh Nan, poor little love. In my (sadly extensive) experience with the health system in Canberra, I now take small people to Canberra, not Calvary - they have paediatric emergency beds and tend to see the smalls a bit quicker. Still, the system sucks - we need a beer together to compare war stories, have spent WAAAAAAAAAAYYY too much time in that place in the past couple years!


Must be so frustrating for those who are caught up in all that as part of their day to day work. Not only do other counties manage this process better, but looking at the comments, the process changes depending on the hospital. If a good model exists, why isn't it implemented everywhere?

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