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You go girl! Can't help with the drummer although I do have a 7 year old lad who might be able to help in 10 years time. Let us know when you get a gig, would love to come along x


I have a drum kit....but don't know how to drum


Very Cool. Hope you're brave enough one day to post a video.


I've got a great nobby grin on my face. Partly to do with visualising the Weirded-Out Whippet but mostly to do with the fact that you're just FRICKIN' DOIN' IT!!!

(I don't three-time exclamation mark lightly, you know).


Hot dang. Sounds like a hoot. I have another friend who ended up in a duo in a very similar way - not singing but playing the blues harp, and she rocks it.
I'll be heading your way middle of the month, granted for a Girl Guide gig, but if you've got a spot, let me know and I'll come be cheer squad.

Melissa G

Good on you, I say. Being in a band can be hard work, but it is a good kind of 'busy'.


You'll be the perfect frontgirl! Have fun :)


I love this blog post. You've really captured a specific and special feeling.


woohoo- go for it. i always imagined you as a bit of a rockchick. and you are! i play a few instruments, but not the drums, otherwise i would be very keen to join too. oh and i don't live in australia. sigh.

Hyena In Petticoats


I'm in the same boat as you - having never played a musical instrument before, I have now found myself inexplicably in TWO bands! Ha! Apparently I am a ukulele player now - hilarious.

Please record one of your gigs so I can see - even if you have to email it to me on the sly - I prmise I won't tell anyone!

Good luck - and you rock the pants off those punters - I bet you will. xxxxx

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