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Oh Wow. I don't think that I have commented much on your blog before Nanette but this is an amazing post. The world IS in shades of grey. Thanks for posting this. Your honesty and integrity makes me think. I think that both you and Olive are amazing. And exemplary for both your conduct in terms of human frailty and reality.


I have always loved you Nan...you are a good egg.


Wow. I really admire people that can be that honest. I know I prefer to have my 'secrets' out in the open, that way they can't haunt me, in that I'm not terrified of being 'found out'. Olive sounds like one really smart dude. X

Ellie -Petalplum

Oh you are so strong to share this. I think I love you all the more for your pure real honesty and total openness - you're right, this love you have isn't something people talk about often (mostly in some silly novel). I know my man wouldn't have behaved the way Olive has (I never knew his name, only The Frenchman) - and all respect to him seeing the situation as it was and giving you space to fight your own demons and oceans and tears.
I hope you can find a peace and contentment in your love for this other man - and a strenghtening in your love for your Frenchman. xxxx
{isn't it lucky we're all past our 20s and have a tiny bit more understanding of the world and less judgement of other peoples journeys and decisions. I don't think I'd want to be 20 again!!}


Things happen - we aren't as in control of ourselves as we are taught we should be. It sounds like you're having a hard time, and I hope you can manage. Thankyou for your posts, which I value.


Bloody great and brave post Nanette. Love to all of you x

Julie Luca

We all have dragons of some sort or another. Thanks for sharing your struggle. I gives the rest of us strength.


Honesty in a blog post? Dude - I'm so dumping you!

Seriously though - I love that you are brave enough to put this, and these issues, in words. I have a pile of 'unbloggable' posts that are my own little therapy and they will always stay in the drafts folder, but man. Thanks so much for putting it out there.

All my love to you and Olive. I strongly believe the glue that makes the shattered heart whole also makes it more resilient, and more loving. Look after each other xxx

P.S Love you to pieces.


Just catching my breath. Not at the 'news' but at the stark honesty. Brave lady. Brave Olive. xx


I think you are all brave and wonderful - the headiness of desire; the tangle of growth and roots as we age and intertwine. To not fight but to wait and and let a path become visible.
Life is grey, but also other shades. I wish you all only good things. You are a honest and good.

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